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European Music

The waltz of the ice spirits dancing on the shores of Lake Mývatn

Iceland / Ísland / アイスランド

The waltz of the ice spirits dancing on the shores of Lake Mývatn

On a winter night by the shores of Lake Mývatn, the moonlight illuminates the frozen lake surface, and ice spirits appear. They are dressed in transparent costumes, shining as if they are adorned with starlight. In rhythm with the Fimbul, the spirits begin to dance gracefully. Their movements are as light as the wind, gliding over the ice. Male and female spirits take each other’s hands and perform a beautiful waltz while spinning. Their shadows are reflected on the lake surface, creating the illusion of a double ball. The snow-covered trees around quietly watch over this fantastical scene. The aurora flickers in the night sky, and everything comes together to create a beautiful, dream-like scenery.


Vals ísandaranna sem dansa á bökkum Mývatns

Á vetrarnóttu við strendur Mývatns lýsir tunglskin yfir frosnu vatnsborði og ísandar birtast. Þeir eru klæddir í gegnsæjum búningum, skínandi eins og þeir séu skreyttir með stjörnubirtu. Í takti við Fimbul byrja andarnir að dansa tignarlega. Hreyfingar þeirra eru léttar eins og vindurinn, svífandi yfir ísinn. Karl- og kvenandar taka höndum saman og framkvæma fallegan vals á meðan þeir snúast. Skuggar þeirra endurspeglast á vatnsborðinu og skapa blekkingu um tvöfalt kúlur. Snjóþaktar trén í kring horfa hljóðlega yfir þessa ævintýralegu sjón. Norðurljósin flökta á næturhimninum og allt kemur saman til að skapa fallega, draumkennda sjón.




Traveler's Melody Seeker
Let's embark on a charming musical journey around the world. You will experience a rich tapestry of sounds that capture the unique essence of each culture. From the haunting melodies of the Celtic harp to the rhythmic beats of African drums, this musical adventure will gently explore the diverse musical landscapes and traditions that the world has to offer, crossing continents and oceans.